Thursday, December 15, 2011

Eksistensi Bahasa Indonesia dari Ancaman Imperialisme Linguistik pada Era Globalisasi

28 Oktober 1928 adalah saksi sejarah atas lahirnya bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan bangsa yang disepakati oleh pemuda-pemuda Indonesia yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke dalam forum Sumpah Pemuda. Bahasa Indonesia merupakan identitas diri bangsa sekaligus menjadi bahasa resmi Republik Indonesia yang diresmikan tepat sehari setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia pada 17 Agustus 1945.
Bahasa Indonesia diucapkan oleh lebih dari 250 juta penduduk di dunia yang terpusat di Indonesia. Uniknya, bahasa ini digunakan sebagai bahasa kedua oleh mayoritas penduduk Indonesia sebab sebagian besar warga Indonesia menggunakan salah satu dari 748 bahasa yang ada di Indonesia sebagai bahasa ibu. Masyarakat Indonesia berada pada keadaan diglosia, yakni keadaan seseorang setidaknya menggunakan dua bahasa dalam bergaul di lingkungan masyarakat. Kondisi demikian menjadikan bahasa Indonesia sebagai jembatan bagi ratusan juta penduduk Indonesia dari berbagai macam suku bangsa untuk saling berkomunikasi.
Menurut perspektif linguistik, bahasa Indonesia adalah salah satu ragam bahasa Melayu, sebuah bahasa Austronesia yang digunakan sebagai lingua franca di nusantara yang kemungkinan sudah ada sejak awal abad penanggalan modern. Dasar bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa Melayu Riau pada abad ke-19. Dalam perkembangannya, bahasa Indonesia mengalami perubahan akibat penggunaannya sebagai bahasa kerja di lingkungan administrasi kolonial dan berbagai proses pembakuan sejak awal abad ke-20. Proses ini menyebabkan terciptanya perbedaan bahasa Indonesia dari varian bahasa Melayu yang digunakan di Riau dan Semenanjung Malaya. Oleh karena itu, pada saat pencanangan Sumpah Pemuda, 28 Oktober 1928, diberikan penamaan bahasa Indonesia pada bahasa yang digunakan untuk menghindari kesan “Imperialisme Bahasa Melayu”. Hingga saat ini, bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa hidup yang terus menghasilkan kosakata baru, baik melalui penciptaan maupun penyerapan bahasa lokal dan bahasa asing.
Bahasa Indonesia memiliki lima fungsi bahasa.
1.            Bahasa Indonesia sebagai fungsi ekspresif.
Alat mengungkapkan gambaran, maksud, gagasan, dan perasaan.
2.            Bahasa Indonesia sebagai fungsi komunikasi.
Alat interaksi atau hubungan antara dua individu atau lebih sehingga pesan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik.
3.            Bahasa Indonesia sebagai fungsi kontrol sosial.
Media mengatur atau mengontrol masyarakat dalam bertingkah laku.
4.            Bahasa Indonesia sebagai fungsi adaptasi.
Alat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru, khususnya dalam berkomunikasi.
5.            Bahasa Indonesia sebagai fungsi integrasi.
Media mempersatukan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia yang ada di seluruh pelosok negeri.

Kedudukan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa Nasional diikrarkan pada 28 Oktober 1928, yaitu pada hari Sumpah Pemuda dengan fungsi-fungsi, sebagai berikut:
1.    Lambang identitas nasional;
2.    Lambang kebanggan kebangsaan;
3.    Bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat komunikasi;
4.    Alat pemersatu bangsa dalam keanekaragaman Suku, Agama, Ras, Adat istiadat dan Budaya.
Hasil Perumusan Seminar Politik Bahasa Nasional yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada 25-28 Februari 1975 menegaskan bahwa dalam kedudukannya sebagai bahasa nasional, bahasa Indonesia berfungsi sebagai berikut:
1.    Bahasa resmi kenegaraan;
2.    Alat pengantar dalam dunia pendidikan;
3. Penghubung pada tingkat nasional untuk kepentingan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan serta pemerintah;
4.    Pengembangan kebudayaan nasional, ilmu, dan teknologi.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Annoying Spark

(Present Day,March 2011,Having brunch with my brother)
“I love him”
“You what ?” My brother,Dan shouted loudly while frowning on me. He was surprisingly shocked. Some other visitors in the cafe were trying to find out where the yell came from looked at us as they’d already found it,astounded of what we were both chattering.
“Oh,my God. Keep your voice down.” I whispered. I pinched his arm,then he was groaning and wiping on his muscular right arm as it’s getting red.
“What the heck are you doing ? It hurts for sure,” he moaned. Afterwards,he drank a glass of lemonade served on the table in a single gulp.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to. I just wanna tell you what I feel. I’ve been keeping it as my own secret for months. I can take it no more,” I replied. Dan smiled,grinned, and giggled. What he behaved seemed to be annoyed for me.
“Hey,why are you grinning ? What’s so funny about it ?,” 
I sighed. He kept chuckling instead of noticing me. 
“Ahh,why don’t you start helping me out with this deal instead of laughing at your pretty cutie little sister ? I’m desperate of this crush,brother. It’s slowly but surely killing me,” I cried out cheerfully,then covering my face with my both palm of hand.
I was frustrated of something called love. I literally needed someone to share with, to utter everything. Apparently, my generous gorgeous big brother could be the one.

“Fine,but how could you ? You said you don’t like him at all,especially phisically his face, like grumpy in every single moment.” Dan was astonished. He picked another crunchy french fries and directly get it into his mouth.
“Totally,I did. Not anymore from now on,” I grinned.  “How come ?” He kept questioning while chewing the munches we ordered.
“Let me have a chance to tell you everyhing,okay.” I took a deep breath,drank my strawberry milkshake with chocochips as the topping on it,and started uttering.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Teenage Love Affair

“Hey,she’s coming.”, Charles was shouting loudly to give such a sign for my english lecturer’s coming.
“Good morning,class. Are you ready for quiz ? ,” My lecturer asked enthusiastically.
“Ohhh,noooooo....” class committed to sigh. It grew noisy,people chattered here and there showing their unreadiness. It’s almost everyone here looked confused, nervous,and felt unready for the upcoming quiz which was the last quiz of this semester. Only a few of us seemed indifferent about the test.
“Give us a second,miss,” one of my friends begged.
It was my last quiz of this semester before the last term was about to begin,so it would be my last time to see my english lecturer at class on this term. It’s Miss Tania I did usually call her. Miss Tania was a generous woman. In her middle twenties and of Arabic descent, she looked fresh, charming and undeniably good-looking. She had a fair complexion with  brown eyeballs plus a pointed nose and sexy slight lip. She was used to putting on a fashionable veil on her head covering her hair, a long sleeve blouse, and a skinny but trendy jeans during teaching at class. She was simply gorgeous every time she was teaching. Her personality was as stylish as her outlook. She was decisive,punctual,caring,brilliant,and most of all,professional. She was good at teaching and innovative. Never did anyone get bored of her teaching method. Thousand people might have fallen for her and apparently,I could be one of them. To be frank,I was personally interested in her.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Arguing with Parents

As we are all aware,people are called teenagers when they're 12 till 22 years old or so. For your information,youth is the period when teenagers have their highest curiosity about something new that they don't know before. They may try everything new to fulfill their excessive curiosity with no noticing the bad impacts happened include quarrelling with their parents.

Perhaps everyteenager commits to do such that fool thing, though not literally every single one,Arguing with their parents will be common for them. Do you feel so ? Someparents say they certainly will do the best for their offspring’s future , give them a good education, treat them with very delicious dishes to eat, and everything as long as their kids are in the right way. Something comes up when the kids are growing up and entering adolescence. As what we’ve discussed before,teenagers will try to do everything new to satisfied their desire of curiosity.  The point is they’ve not even realized that every single new thing is not entirely good. In some cases, they’re somehow very bad and when they belong to this part is the time when teenagers slip into the valley of sin.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Premier

Hey,everyone !
My name is Devit. This is my new blog. I'm a newbie here thus I still need to learn a lot to be a great blogger someday.

What you're about to catch by surfing on this site hopefully will be something new for you, able to inspire and motivate you a lot and make you learn indirectly.
I still need more time to learn and I'm just an ordinary person so I need your advice to lead me to be a better person.


Have a very lovely time :D